We present Catherine Hazotte, a German journalist, copywriter and concepter who’s currently taking her doctoral degree in digital advertising at the University of Vienna. Working across the globe, Hazotte writes about the Austrian Creative Industries, Design and Music specialised in particular for digital concepts in advertising. The cherry on top? She also co-founded the design studio and contemporary publishing house POOL publishing.
This publication project prevails a long overdue unauthorised biography about one of the most influential and great personalities of German Punk German musician, actor, film producer and politician Wolfgang Wendland. Constructed of 84 pages, the book is filled with Wolfgang Wendland’s life, which previously has been suggested as inaccurate with many gaps, some lies and even more untruths. Characterised by a masculine black and white aesthetic fused with a bold condensed typographic style, the combination is stark, punchy and alluring.
Pages: 84
Binding: Paperback with adhesive binding
Size: 14 x 22 cm
- Posterzine™ Issue 46 | Marylou Faure - September 16, 2019
- Posterzine™ Issue 45 | Mojoko - September 13, 2019
- Posterzine™ | Karl Grandin - August 21, 2019