Currently held at the KK Outlet venue in London until the 30th of June is, quite frankly in London’s current situation, a morally inspiring exhibition. Led by Yasseen Faik, the display features an array of incredibly talented young designers, showcasing a series of limited edition screen printed posters. With 100% of profits going to a front line charity in Syria. Yasseen Faik, a designer with both Iraqi and Syrian heritage 22 designers and studios have all come together to produce For Iraq and Syria – a thought provoking poster series to raise awareness and debate.The brief consisted of the designers creating bold yet simplistic posters in response to the current situations in Iraq and Syria, using only two colours. The style could be whatever the designers wished to use and the results ranged form typographic responses, stimulating illustrative interpretations, literal or abstract.
With the partnership of Grey Jam Press the 22 original screen printed posters not only reflect powerful, diverse ideas and messages, but also express the fresh contemporary graphic design and typography the creative industry currently has to offer. Each piece is hand pulled onto GF Smith, Ice White 270gsm paper with the collected works will be exhibited at the KK Oulet opening the 2nd of June and running till the 30th of June 2017.
‘Worst man-made disaster since World War II tee’
The image on the back is a combination of the Syrian rebel army flag and the German flag. A symbol of unity and potential hope after war.
On the front of the T-shirt is a confused face made up of a crescent moon and star, often associated with Islam, and a peace Lily symbolising life, death and peace. Jim O’Raw
- Posterzine™ Issue 46 | Marylou Faure - September 16, 2019
- Posterzine™ Issue 45 | Mojoko - September 13, 2019
- Posterzine™ | Karl Grandin - August 21, 2019