Posterzine is our monthly publishing project where a poster meets a magazine in the form of a gorgeous A1 format poster (594x841mm) which folds down into an A4 monograph. The twelfth issue features the wonderful Em Cole, a still and moving image artist that has immersed herself in the world of image making. Characterised by animated narratives Emily’s work is mainly fashion based and has so far worked with the likes of Wah London, Polyester Magazine, as well as being featured on ID magazine and collaborated with fellow artists Liv Thurley and Edd Leigh to name a few.
You can grab this issue below or on Department Store here! You can also grab a monthly subscription of Posterzine and choose this issue as your customary starting issue for just £6.39 saving 20% on the usual retail price!
Up until the 20th of December 2016 you can purchase our Posterzine bundle including issues 1-11 and also receive issues 12, 13 and 14 FREE! Grab this amazing deal while you can by simply ordering the bundle below or via Department Store and well add the three complimentary issues to your order.
- Posterzine™ Issue 46 | Marylou Faure - September 16, 2019
- Posterzine™ Issue 45 | Mojoko - September 13, 2019
- Posterzine™ | Karl Grandin - August 21, 2019