Truth is, we all rely on some degree of self-promotion if we desire to make a living from art, design, and other creative activities. Creativepool is one of the worlds largest online networks set up with an aim to build bridges between international creative companies and individual talents from across the globe. First established in 2007, it has built up a large network of over 130k members and has nearly 8,000 companies showcasing work and publishing their news. The fourth of our interview series is here and we are delighted to share with you some useful articles on self-promotion recommended by the Digital Marketing Manager of Creativepool, Alexandra Schott.
Advice from Tim Jarvis: How to Get Your Work Noticed
“Learn how to enjoy presenting your work. Its what I call the presentation layer – turn curating and presenting your work into a project of its own. Its the perfect excuse to tweak how your work is seen by your audience and as an exercise it allows you to infuse your own specific style into a broad body of work to make it feel really yours. Tim Jarvis, Founder of Fabric.
The Black Cab Interviews present Neil Christie
“Work hard and try to be nice to people. Neil Christie, Managing Director, Wieden + Kennedy.
The Black Cab Interviews Singapore: Kitty Lun Chairman/CEO at Lowe Worldwide China
“Equip yourself. Find a good environment. I think that is important. An open environment that you can learn [in]. Find a place that you can stretch your brain muscles to come up with good ideas. That is more important than higher pay, or … because the first job is the most important. Kitty Lun, Chairman/CEO, Lowe Worldwide China.
Focal Point: Up close & personal with Nicolas Ménard
“Trust your instincts and obsessions, and use them as the foundation of your art.” Nicholas Ménard.
Focal Point: Surreal chats with Aleksandra Kingo
“Do not be nervous, it will be ok. And pick a good playlist for the day.” Aleksandra Kingo.
Thank you very much, Alex. Alexandra Schott is the Digital Marketing Manager at Creativepool. And for the Graduate Print Awards 2015, the 1st place winner will receive a pro account. See the PRO account features here!
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