Taking the spot of our 46th issue of Posterzine Parisian illustrator and artist Marylou Faure. Currently living in London, Marylou and her wonderful gang of colourful characters have built up a substantial client list including the likes of Smirnoff, Adidas, Apple, Vice, Spotify, Nokia, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and many more. Her style is typically characterised by, bold, colourful illustrations home to a group of sexy little playful characters that form the main body of her work.
Full-bodied and confidant in their stances, Marylou’s female characters are instantly recognisable. In her interview, she talks about how her confident portrayal of women is how she wants all women to feel, which is a beautiful sentiment, in a world where potentially toxic comparison and critique of oneself is hard to avoid. This conversation perhaps encourages the idea that not only Marylou’s but other illustrators alike can help and challenge our societal issues on how we view ourselves without being affected by influences such as Instagram and other social platforms.
Pick up this exciting issue below!
- Posterzine™ Issue 46 | Marylou Faure - September 16, 2019
- Posterzine™ Issue 45 | Mojoko - September 13, 2019
- Posterzine™ | Karl Grandin - August 21, 2019