Amanda is an artist based in Brooklyn, New York. She graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2010 where she largely used screen printing as a focused medium to produce her illustrations, of which show her strong appreciation for delicate lines and minimalism. These days the work starts out as small-scale pen and ink drawings, transitioning into experiments with pattern and digital collage. She enjoys the work of contemporary Japanese manga artist Yuichi Yokoyama, specifically for his experiments with consecutive scenes of fragmented time and space, independent of words and dialogue.
Amanda likes to use visual metaphors, making characters with static expressions or stagnant movements, androgynous or gender non-conforming features, usually coexisting with overgrown plants. She is curious about the new explorations of tactile surfaces to exhibit her images, through blankets, wall decals and upholstery.
- Type Transformed: How Monotype Fonts Shaped Posterzine’s New Issues - February 12, 2025
- Behind the Fold: The Monotype x Posterzine Collaboration - February 11, 2025
- Major Publishers Unite to Fight Book Banning in Idaho Libraries - February 5, 2025