Annie Strachan is one of my favourite UK artists right now. Her work ranges from sculpture, to ceramics, painting and also print. Annie studied at Chelsea of Art & Design and graduated in 2011. Annies work explores graphic shapes, but as three dimensional forms. She combines and contrasts varying textures which are modern, yet also reference past artistic styles. Annies work usually uses materials and objects that may be seen as mundane and or cheap yet by working them into her pieces she creates compositions that celebrate the banality of everyday materials and surfaces. I particularly like Annies sensitive approach to colour, in each of her pieces you can see an elegant marriage of colours, whether they are tonal or contrasting. Not only does Annie have heaps of talent when it comes to sculpture, her personal photography is also extremely interesting in terms of composition, again using complimentary textures and finishes for effect.
Amongst many exciting collaborations and projects Annie is getting involved with with year, she will be taking part in Arcadia Missas Cinema6 project. Cinema6 is a new neighbourhood cinema for Peckham that will run for six weeks this spring. Transforming a railway arch into a 40 seat screen, Cinema6 will show films four times a week, from classic blockbusters and family films to world cinema and the work of local artists. It will be a place to watch, discuss and learn about film and film making. We’re inviting everyone from the area to be involved in choosing which films to show and to bring ideas for creative uses of the cinema space.
Cinema6 is being hosted by Arcadia Missa, and will be located in the railway arches between Lyndhurst Way and Bellenden Road.
- Geoff McFetridge - May 9, 2014
- Henry Jackson Newcomb - May 6, 2014
- Nathalie Du Pasquier at American Apparel - April 28, 2014