ExhibitionMemberSolo artist

D!VE | Hercules and Achelous at Litfass

posted by POP Members December 17, 2024

Created at Litfass, a Bremen-based bar with art at its heart, No More Heroes is a large scale, hand-cut stencil, spray painted onto the bar’s wall by visual artist D!VE. Litfass have ditched their advert-saturated walls, and instead are giving away the wall space to artists. As part of each installation Litfass also host an ‘enthüllung’ (unveiling) event for the artist, with guest speakers and huge crowds of art lovers, providing a truly unique platform in the world of street art. Inspired by the works he had seen at the bar, D!VE has brought his own shattered statue stencils to the room.

D!VE’s work has recently focused on the concept of Destruction, deconstructed, forming an ongoing series of shattered historical statues. These figures represent societies at their cultural peak, great Roman & Greek philosophers, warriors and Gods frozen in time, all emphasising the power of humanity. “The fractured statues represent today’s fractured society. All that we know is that we know nothing,” comments the artist.

D!VE’s artistic practise calls on many different disciplines, but with the finished piece always being realised through stencil. His approach to the creation of his work comes from his belief in the idea of “Doing the best you can with what you have”. D!VE states; “The limitations of working with stencils are what attracted me to the discipline. Colour, contrast and even the paper holding together. When all you have is a piece of paper, a Stanley blade and a can of spray paint, how intricate you can make the work is a testament to overcoming limitations.”

For his work at Litfass, D!VE created a shattered statue of Hercules fighting Achelous, with the addition of ‘No More Heroes’ spray painted across Hercules’ chest. He comments; “The statue is known for its intricate details, from the muscular forms of the combatants to the scales on the snake, it presented an opportunity to create a highly detailed piece.”


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