LinocutMemberPrintmakingSolo artist

Rare Press

posted by POP Members September 17, 2021

Lizzie Christian is a Twin Cities based artist, and is the face behind the one-woman illustration and print business, Rare Press. A self-taught printmaker, she began experimenting with block printing in 2014, and has never looked back. Lizzie studied Art, Child Psychology, and French in college, and then Early Childhood Education in grad school, but never took a printmaking course. The creative spirit started with her artistic and nurturing family, all of whom have art interests of their own.

After being a nanny for the past 6 years (and before that, a special education teacher), as of 2021, Lizzie transitioned to becoming a full time printmaker with Rare Press. “It is a thrilling and terrifying notion to be fully self employed, but I feel very lucky to be able to make art (among other essential business tasks!) for a living,” says the printmaker.

Over the past six or so years, her work has involved prints on paper, textiles, home goods (tea towels and bags), paintings, notepads, bandanas, stickers, and more. Lizzie finds a balance between offering pieces that are truly made by hand from start to finish, and other items that feature her illustrations but may be outsourced in terms of production. However, handprinted pieces will always be her strongest interest.

Lizzie’s working process often begins with a “self talk” thought, for example a phrase that is comforting or encouraging. Many of her prints start with that self reflection, and the work is created as a way to process emotions. She comments; “it’s always a bonus when other people can relate too”. In addition to text, Lizzie is drawn to drawing faces, florals, and shapes, and also enjoys creating reduction prints, when she has the time to dedicate.

When it comes to materials, Lizzie has found a few favourites over the years. She primarily uses Cranfield Colours Safe Wash inks, and prints mainly on rag and cotton papers. For textile printing, Speedball’s Speedy Carve rubber is her material of choice, and for paper prints, a soft lino made by fellow printmaker Karol Pomykala. In her home studio, Lizzie uses a small tabletop press, made by Speedball, and is looking forward to printing larger scale someday. When not printing, she likes to fill her sketchbook with mixed media pieces using gouache, watercolour, and coloured pencil.

As for the future, Lizzie hopes to to continue supporting herself financially. She describes; “I see this self employment as a dream come true, and feel indebted to those who helped me along the way”. Ideally, Lizzie hopes to continue what she’s doing now, but without the urgency of the “hustle” mindset. She concludes; “A slower paced, more relaxed lifestyle is the goal, while somehow also earning income; I’m hopeful about striking that balance”.

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