

posted by POP Members January 10, 2020

Foilco was established in 1987 by David Hornby, located in the North West of England, situated between Greater Manchester and Warrington. Still very much a family run business, guided by the hands of the Hornby family, they strongly believe in giving their customers the most efficient service. best quality products and going the extra mile, making working with them a beneficial experience.

As a company they strive to inspire the use of the most varied and diverse range of stamping foils in the industry. “It is our genuine aim to keep hot stamping foils as relevant and impactful as possible” explain the team on their ethos. This is achieved through educational programmes and workshops, design events, high-level technical support and a continued dedication to developing new colours, patterns and themes. They are also an eco-conscious company, supplying and supporting those in the luxury product markets, FMCG packaging sector, label makers and graphic arts community.

Foilco live by 8 core values and principles; knowledge, discovery, possibility, inspiration, innovation, conduct, process and responsibility. The colours, collections and effects they offer are evolving all the time with over 350 shades in stock and over 1400 products on the shelves; they have stamping foils for every type and style of project. They also have their very own state of the art Quality Control Centre that batch test every single foil roll that enters and leaves the facility. Foilco hope to lead the industry into changing misconceptions and perceptions about foil, and to do something about the way that companies handle their foil waste. They now even support their customers through the Zero Foil 2 Landfill initiative by collecting their foil waste and placing it through their own specialist waste management systems.

The company aim to inspire the print and creative communities by hosting events such as Multiplicity and educational workshops. This gives the community a chance to explore innovative ways of using foil. Multiplicity is a design and creative event which takes place in various cities. Featuring speakers from the creative industries, the event is a chance for designers, illustrators, photographers and artists to get together in one space for one night. Previous speakers have included Here Studio, Hey Studio and Anthony Burrill

As a company we are always visiting and speaking with designers and creatives to talk about foils, we understand the community aspect involved and thought why not help support that… Multiplicity is a chance to get together, to talk about creativity and to listen to some really great speakers. We do this because, like you, we are passionate about the design and creative industries. It’s our chance to give a little back“. 

Whether you are new to foiling, an experienced Printer or Designer, you can check out Foilco’s extensive range of colours, patterns, finishes and accessories they offer on their website now:


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