Cat Wondergem is a contemporary printmaker creating linocuts on paper which she then enhances with watercolour. Cat tells us; “I have known I wanted to have a creative career since I was in middle school when I met the teacher that made the difference in my journey – Grace Fruit, my art teacher. She introduced me to block printing.” She then went on to study Art at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Although her knowledge of printmaking is largely self taught, Cat has had a career in the creative world for the last 2.5 decades. Notable projects include custom pewter work for churches and historical societies, outdoor art shows as a jeweler working in fine metals and gems, and production glass lamp work and silk dyeing.
Cat rediscovered printmaking back in 2006. She moved to coastal SC and got interested in gyotaku – the Japanese style of fish printing. In 2016, she was starting to look for something new, and came back to relief printing. “The appeal is that it’s so mobile. I spend a lot of time on the road, and the ability to take my creative process with me is everything,” says the printmaker. Cat is currently finishing the last of her shows for the fall, and will start holing up in ber studio this winter to prepare for spring shows.
“My inspiration is humanity – the rough edges, the kindness, the struggle, the moments that leave you laughing, the moments that have you reflecting. Quick little snapshots that get overlooked,” describes Cat. Her first pieces were motivated largely by female empowerment, and a connection to animals. However, she comments; “I am an aunt of a very young niece and nephew. Their innocent directness and curiosity have shifted my motivation in subject matter. I think that art is there to make connections. When folks look at my prints, I hope that they feel seen.”
Looking to the future, Cat hopes to illustrate a childrens’ book and expand on her gallery representation. She concludes; “I am always looking to add to my palette of printmaking techniques and tools”.
- Wen Ching Yiu | ART.Work_WIP Exhibition - February 10, 2025
- La Hache - February 6, 2025
- Shawn Dickey - February 5, 2025