
Oliver Jennings: This Is What My Brain Looks Like

posted by POP Members July 27, 2020

This Is What My Brain Looks Like is the culmination of months of emotions. The book was designed by Graphic Arts and Design student Oliver Jennings, whose work spans across both digital and analogue techniques.

Taking influence from the Gutai group’s use of movement to create art, Oliver wanted to connect his thoughts and feelings to this piece of work; “this use of movement resonated with me as I see myself taking influences from more and more places“. The project is raw and honest with its contents, visualising the maker’s feelings using a juxtaposition of graphic imagery and pieces of text. The pages of the book were all created whilst Oliver listened to music that is special to him, the lyrics of which further inspired him to experiment with different techniques and methods, including paint and digital design.

Included as part of the project are passages of writing by Oliver, a method of creativity that he hasn’t previously explored; “it was quite refreshing to know that I could use this as another path of expression“. Through this writing, Oliver allowed himself to talk about and express things that he has never been open about before. “I find it hard to visualise what these words could be so having the freedom to allow the words to be the visuals was something I took pride in through this project” explains the artist.

Oliver continues to expand his breadth of knowledge of all aspects of art and design, experimenting with artistic techniques as he enters his final year of studying.


POP Members

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