Graphic DesignMember

Effect Desire

posted by POP Members January 7, 2020

Oliver Jennings (Effect Desire) is a second year student at Leeds Beckett University studying a BA (Hons) in Graphic Arts and Design.

For me, my work is all about experimentation” explains Oliver. Instead of practising one specific chosen method, he enjoys changing things up in order to see where some practices can benefit a project over others. Being at university provides Oliver with the capability, space and time to experiment. Whether it is analogue or digital techniques, he loves seeing how far the boundaries of visual culture can be pushed. “I think having this broad outlook on the work I create allows me to be able to take inspiration from further fields” continues the graphic artist. Oliver’s inspirations include Jean-Michel Basquiat, Saul Bass and Uno Egonu, to name a few. Whilst the work of these three artists and designers differs a lot, all three’s influences are evident in his work in different ways.

Although only just starting out with his career in the art and design world, Oliver hopes to continue to create work that caters to many different audiences.


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