After a restless few years, illustrator Caroline Tomlinson headed back to the Northern hemisphere, like the swallow in time for the Summer. A softer landing than returning during the winter months. Caroline comments; “I had made the best decision – I had followed my heart like a compass and headed back to London. I had been seeking a home for so long. I had thought I had been chasing Summer and endless sunshine, but in hindsight I can see how this was merely a sugar, or rather sunshine coated version of the truth, that at the time been easier for me to digest.”
This sense of seeking a sense of belonging has become a focus in her work; a want to tell her story. Yet, there is nothing unique in this yearning, it’s something we all crave and seek out. “For me after years of travel and seeking out inspiration and adventures I finally found this out and discovered what truly matters, and what we all are seeking. A place where we belong,” says the illustrator.
The first step of this new journey for Caroline was to head back to London – to fly home and begin a new chapter, a new life – but taking with her all the lessons she had learnt along the way. “Each had changed me so although I was returning I was not the same person. I had grown and I was grateful for finally finding where I belonged.”
Fly Home encapsulates Caroline’s feelings and return home as a single colour A4 silkscreen. Available now from her store in a limited edition of 50.
- FICA Editions |Screen Printing Meets Ceramics - February 12, 2025
- Wen Ching Yiu | ART.Work_WIP Exhibition - February 10, 2025
- La Hache - February 6, 2025