Described as an unabashed pop culture enthusiast and nostalgic is Kansas City-based Artist and Educator Mark Farris. Farris creates work using a variety of print media that speaks to his interests in 80s cult movies, collecting action figures and print ephemera. As an artist with the heart of a nostalgic, Farris’ references to the past is a salve for the socio political anxieties of the present. Through appropriation and re-contextualisation of this anachronistic source material, Farris offers a sardonic and dystopian vision of the future, showcased in his works.
Characterised by detailed line work featuring an assortment of political figures and cartoon characters, Farris’ work has the power to prod your soul as you stare into the depths of his imagination. His fantastical landscapes and re-appropriated imagery makes one smile whilst simultaneously evoking anxieties that perhaps have not been addressed. Welcomed as a new People of Print Member, we’re interested in seeing what dystopian world Farris chooses to create next.
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- FICA Editions |Screen Printing Meets Ceramics - February 12, 2025
- Wen Ching Yiu | ART.Work_WIP Exhibition - February 10, 2025
- La Hache - February 6, 2025